Why subscribe?

I’m not starting a real cafe. I’m starting a space to think out loud with you.

I’ll be playing some golf. I’ll be trying to start some impact sports again — starting with running, and building up to some martial arts or Chess.

I’ll be investigating investment and start-up opportunities in AI, Robotics, Space, Blockchain and Genomics. And maybe Energy too.

I’ll be home-distilling more booze than is healthy to drink.

And I’m seriously considering taking part in NaNoWriMo, and trying to draft a novel in the month of November.

In short, I’m ready for a sabbatical.

If you’d like to join me on a journey of rabbit holes, surface glosses, and deep dives, then this is the place. And now is the time.

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Research, Writing, Distilling, Ephemera, Stuff and Nonsense served with Signature Blend Espresso.


Traveler. Kiwi. Drinker of coffee and wine. Distiller of spirits.